The course is designed for approximately 30 students. All the lectures and talks are given on English. The course fee is 2.800.000 COPs includes all the course material, as well as coffee breaks during the sessions
Duration: 128 hours.
An approximately exchange currency can be calculated temporally at http://www.banrep.gov.co/es/tasas-cambio-mundo.
Financial support:
PhD and MSc students applicants from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, please contact to Clara Isabel Bermudez Santana cibermudezs@unal.edu.co to inquire about partial reduction of the course fee (30% rated: Final fee: 1.960.000 COPs).
Postgraduated applicants part of the staff from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia please contact to Clara Isabel Bermudez Santana cibermudezs@unal.edu.co to inquire about partial reduction of the course fee (20% rated: Final fee: 2.240.000 COPs).
PhD and MSc students from any other University (internationals or colombians) please contact to Clara Isabel Bermudez Santana cibermudezs@unal.edu.co to inquire about partial reduction of the course fee (10% rated: Final fee: 2.520.000 COPs).
For all other applicants, we have limited funds to help some of you cover the course fee. You can apply for a stipend from us by including a letter with your application that explains why you need extra financial support.